ELENA Mini-Symposia on „CANS and HiCANS – Recent progress and status”
High-current accelerator driven neutron sources are considered as an important development for future neutron sources to complement existing and future reactor based and spallation neutron sources. Tremendous efforts are spent on the development of cost- and energy efficient accelerator systems, compact and high-power neutron targets, improved source brilliance, neutron moderation and competitive and unique neutron instrumentation. The mini-symposium will give the opportunity to review current projects, achieved results and status. Most ambitious projects in Europe in this area are presented as well as work and results from Asian and American efforts and projects.
The mini-symposia is organized by ELENA, the European Low Energy accelerator-base Neutron facilities Association, a network of the European CANSA and HiCANS projects. The program with the invited speakers is found below.
This mini-symposium will take place as part of ICNS-2025. Participants must be registered to the ICNS-2025 (https://icns2025.dk/) to attend.
Scientific program
July 8, 2025
15:30-15:50 Felix Villacorta (ESS Bilbao, Spain)
15:50-16:10 Paul Zakalek (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
16:10-16:30 Chi-Huan Tung (ORNL, USA)
16:30-16:45 Coffee break
16:45-17:05 Yoshie Otake (RIKEN, Japan)
17:05-17:25 Richard Wagner (CEA LLB, France)
17:25-17:45 Max Wolff (Uppsalla University, Sweden)
Alain Menelle alain.menelle@cea.fr
Thomas Gutberlet t.gutberlet@fz-juelich.de