ELENA is open to new members in Europe
which engage in the field of low energy
accelerator-based neutron sources.

The ELENA association has been created on September 10th 2020 to promote cooperation between European laboratories or private companies or individuals working in the field of neutron sources based on an accelerator and a low energy reaction to produce neutrons. Members of the association agree to cooperate and initiate collaborations, conferences, workshops and meetings in order to create an effective ecosystem for research and applications in all areas of science and industry around these neutron sources.
- Chairs
- since 2022-09 chair Mario Pérez (ESS Bilbao), vice chair Alain Menelle (LLB)
- 2020-09 to 2022-09 chair Thomas Brückel (JCNS), vice chair Alain Menelle (LLB)
- General Assembly
- Institution Representatives
- JCNS represented by Thomas Gutberlet
- LLB represented by Alain Menelle
- ESS Bilbao represented by Mario Perez
- Mirrotron Ltd represented by Ferenc Mezei
- IFE represented by Christoph Frommen
- INFN represented by Pierfrancesco Mastinu
- Uppsala University, represented by Max Wolff
- Soreq NRC, represented by Arik Kreisel
List of ELENA founding members
- Thomas Brückel (JCNS) Individual member representing JCNS
- Eric Eliot (LLB) Individual member
- Christoph Frommen (IFE) Organisation
- Thomas Gutberlet (JCNS) Individual member
- Pierfrancesco Mastinu (INFN) Organisation
- Alain Menelle (LLB) Individual member representing LLB
- Ferenc Mezei (Mirrotron Ltd) Organisation
- Mario Perez (ESS Bilbao) Organisation
- Paul Zakalek (JCNS) Individual member
Focal Areas
- FA1: Communication & Promotion
- FA2: Funding Opportunities
- FA3: Accelerator
- FA4: Target
- FA5: Neutron Moderators
- FA6: Instrumentation
Related Initiatives
- UCANS : Union for Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources
- JCANS : Japan Collaboration on Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources
- CCANS : Chinese Collaboration on Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources
- LENS : League of advanced European neutron sources
- ENSA : European Neutron Scattering Association
- Brightness2 : European integrated program in support of the long-term sustainability of neutron sources
- NeutronSources.org : provide information about neutron facilities and neutron research worldwide
- Local neutron user associations